Mental Health Programs for Seniors

Mental Health Programs for Seniors

Mental health is a critical part of our well-being as humans. Here at Hall Neighborhood House, we work to provide our neighbors with holistic behavioral health support that meets their needs throughout their lives. 

This year, we’ve partnered with Southwest Community Health to provide comprehensive counseling to the seniors in our program! 

How did we get here?

Our job, at its core, is to provide services that make our neighbors’ lives better. Throughout our 135-year history, our programs have taken many forms—but our goal to make life better has always been at the core of our work. Affordable preschool and childcare, meals for seniors, youth after-school programs, and resources for families are just a few of our impactful programs. 

When we see a need in our community, we try our hardest to meet it. In 2021, that meant opening our medical clinic to provide critical and comprehensive healthcare. On November 9, we celebrated the next chapter of our on-site health center with our Grand Welcoming Celebration with Southwest Community Health! We’re thrilled to offer participants in our programs checkups, vaccines, physicals, and preventative care. 

We also realized we could do even more together and began exploring what a mental health program tailored to our seniors could look like. 

Senior mental health

The CDC reports that depression is the most prevalent mental health condition among older adults. It can increase with age, but it is not a normal part of aging. The CDC estimates that 80% of depression cases in older adults can be treated. 

Depressive disorders can be difficult to recognize and treat in seniors because of the misconception that certain symptoms of depression are a normal part of aging and not a cause for concern. Seniors themselves may not know they can seek treatment and feel better. 

At Hall, our strong relationships with the seniors in our program (many of whom we see multiple times a week) mean that we are primed to notice extended periods of sadness or symptoms of depression. 

Mental health support at Hall

Through our partnership with Southwest Community Health, we’re providing group and individual counseling to our seniors, connecting them with trusted providers. 

In counseling, seniors can talk through what they’re experiencing, get advice from knowledgeable providers, and be referred to more specialized care if needed. Group counseling allows them to problem-solve with their peers and understand that they are not alone in what they are feeling. 

We’re also hosting low-pressure conversations to help break down the stigma around getting help and talking about feelings. 

For as long as our senior center has existed, seniors have been able to find connections and relationships that improve their quality of life. Now, they can find the care they need to support their physical and mental health as they age. Their presence strengthens our community, and we’re proud to connect them with the resources they need to live their healthiest lives.

January News From Hall

January News From Hall

Last month, Congressionally Directed Spending Grants were announced—and I am thrilled to announce that Hall will be receiving $4.5 million to support the expansion of our programs and facilities here on the East Side of Bridgeport.

This grant will make a massive difference for our neighbors, and it shows the faith our community leaders and legislators have in our programs. As a supporter of our mission, I know you share that faith, too.

I am so grateful for your belief in the power of this community. You continually show up and help us improve community health, support families, and educate the next generation.

Together, our future is limitless. Thank you.

With gratitude,
Bob Dzurenda
Executive Director

Investing in community

Hall Neighborhood House is the recipient of a $4.5M Congressionally Directed Spending Grant! These funds will allow us to expand our footprint, upgrade our facilities, and meet important needs for our childcare, youth, and senior programs.

Serving more children

This month, we opened two new early childhood classrooms, increasing our capacity by 24 children! We are so excited to be able to provide high-quality, affordable childcare to even more children and families in our community.

Early childhood education sets the foundation for a lifetime of learning, and we continue to look for ways to provide access to affordable care to more families in Bridgeport!

Sacred Heart obstacle course

We had such a special visit from Sacred Heart University students who built an innovative obstacle course in our gym! Our students had so much fun racing through the course.

Congratulations, Felicia! Welcome, Dianne!

We are excited to congratulate Felicia Anthony as she transitions to her new role as our Classroom Coordinator, and welcome Dianne Lillicraf, our new Health Services Manager. As we expand our services, they will help ensure we are meeting all of our neighbors’ needs.

Supporting senior mental health

Hall Neighborhood House is partnering with Southwest Community Health to provide group and individual counseling sessions for seniors! We are proud to break down the stigma around mental health care and provide access to dedicated, professional support right here at Hall.

Hall’s COVID-19 Response

Hall’s COVID-19 Response

I want to take this moment to thank you. Over the past few months, you and so many others have been instrumental in helping the staff at Hall Neighborhood House respond effectively, creatively, and intentionally to the new reality this pandemic presents. Our team has come together in amazing ways—and I want to take a moment to celebrate that with you.

Over the last few months we have:

  • Delivered over 2,000 grocery bags and over 500 hot meals to seniors around our neighborhood who depend on that food to get through.
  • Provided a digital art class for over 90 students in Bridgeport, resulting in a beautiful outside art gallery featuring over 120 pieces of art.
  • Hosted Bingo outside for our seniors three days per week to provide community and connection.
  • Provided childcare, school care for elementary students, and summer camp, supporting our parents as they navigated a new work environment.

At our building, we have taken key precautions like hiring a professional cleaning service,  instituting temperature screenings for everyone in the building, hosting COVID-19 testing for the community, reducing the size of our childcare classrooms to limit health risks, limiting access to the building, and requiring masks for all adults.

The COVID-19 pandemic changed our “how” in countless ways—but it has never changed our “what.”

Our goals remain; we have just had to be more creative about how we pursue them. 

As we look toward the fall, we are introducing exciting initiatives to serve our neighbors and staff. We are:

  • Offering all-day childcare and school care support for the school-age children of our staff members—enabling staff to keep working and their children to learn in a safe, supportive environment.
  • Making telehealth therapy available to seniors—helping them combat and process anxiety, isolation, and mental health struggles.
  • Opening our new community health center—making health screenings, immunizations, check-ups, and treatment available to families right here at Hall Neighborhood House.
  • Continuing to provide childcarepreschoolschool-age, and after school programming for students in the community—giving parents the freedom to navigate their work day without worrying about their children’s school progress or where they will spend the afternoon.

Your care and support make critical services like these possible, equip us to continue being an innovative leader in our community, and meet the needs of the families we serve.

Thank you for being a part of the Hall Neighborhood House community.