Careers at Hall Neighborhood House

Take the next step in your career at Hall Neighborhood House! Our dynamic team of teachers, leaders, changemakers, and administrators provides services that empower, enrich, and educate our neighbors on the East Side of Bridgeport and surrounding communities.

Hall operates a variety of accredited, creative, and best-in-class programs, including:

  • Early childhood education
  • Preschool
  • After-school programs and summer camp for youth
  • Family services
  • Senior services

Join our team of teachers, classroom aides, youth counselors, and more to build experience, develop new skills, serve your community, and connect with other professionals.

We believe that together we can make life better—and we invite you to apply to join our team!


Career Interest Form

Step 1 of 3

Your Personal Information

Your Name
Your Email Address
When is the best time for us to reach you via telephone?